

Information for Foreign Patients

Emergency Patient

Koseikan offers urgent medical treatments 24/7 for critical patients.
If you have a mild case or not urgent, please visit a nearby Clinic.
If patient's condition is moderate or severe, please call Saga Fire Bureau (Tel:119) for an ambulance.

For patients transported to Koseikan

Koseikan accepts ambulances.
If a patient is transported by ambulance, 7,700 yen for a minor illness will be charged in addition to the consultation fee. (Free of charge for patients with serious illnesses)
For more information about payment, please click here [About Payment] page.

  1. Patients brought in by ambulance, etc. are examined at the emergency center.
    If you are not comfortable in Japanese, please ask a nearby staff member for a translator.
  2. If the doctor deems it necessary after the examination, the patient will be admitted to Koseikan. For more information, please click here [For Inpatients]page.

If you have special requests for medical attention or medications, please see this page.

Important Notice

For Families of Emergency Patients

For access to Koseikan, please click here [Access].
Visiting hours are generally from 13:00 to 20:00.
If admitted to the hospital, please bring the patient's passport or something that shows the patient ID.
Please see [For Inpatients] pages for details on what you need.